Surface casing for the well will start at approximately 12:00 pm on Friday July 26, 2024.  The drilling will begin Friday evening and will be 24-hour operation. 


Welcome - Well information (landing page)


Construction Schedule Update

We would like to inform you of the updated construction schedule for Creekside Well No. 11R. Please note that the following dates are tentative and subject to change as the project progresses:

Fri 7/26: Mobilization and Surface Casing 
Fri 7/26: Drilling Borehole (24 hour operation)
Sat 7/27: Drilling Borehole
Sun 7/28: Drilling Borehole, Total Depth
Mon 7/29: Geophysical Log, Well Design, Prepare for Construction
Tues 7/30: Construction – Running Casing and Screen
Wed 7/31: Construction – Gravel Packing and Cement
Thurs 8/1: Waiting for cement to cure
Fri 8/2: Development
Sat 8/3: Prepare for testing
Sun 8/4: Step Test
Mon 8/5: Long Term Test – Start
Tues 8/6: Long Term Test – Shut down

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this process. Should there be any significant changes or updates, we will notify you promptly.



Creekside Well No. 11R Construction and Well No. 11 Abandonment

We are writing to inform you about the progress and upcoming stages of the Public Water System Improvement Project in our community. This project is a vital initiative aimed at enhancing the reliability, efficiency, and safety of our public water system.

Current Status:
On July 11, 2024, all project representatives met for the pre-construction meeting. Winegar Well Service, LLC was the awarded contractor who will be completing phase one of the Public Water System Improvement Project. Along with Winegar Well Service, the District Engineer, Brad Simons, MMI Water Engineers and the Project Engineer, Tim Crawford, BBA Water Consultants, will be overseeing all aspects of the construction.

Key Details:
1. Construction Phase: Commencing in the next few weeks, the construction phase will begin in designated areas (exact date to be posted when available from contractor).

2. Timeline: The construction phase is estimated to be completed by October 15, 2024 with a substantial completion date of September 15, 2024. The full duration is dependent on weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances. We will provide regular updates to keep you informed of any changes to this schedule.

3. Working Hours: Construction activities will be 24/7. We understand this may cause inconveniences; this is necessary to ensure the project is completed within the projected timeline.

3. Impact on Residents: During the construction phase, there may be temporary inconveniences such as construction-related activity and increased noise. Rest assured, we are committed to minimizing disruption and ensuring that any inconvenience is kept to a minimum.  

4. Safety Measures: Our team will implement all necessary safety measures to protect the community and ensure that the construction activities proceed smoothly. As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of our community, we would like to remind everyone that the construction site is strictly off-limits to the public. 
The construction site poses significant safety risks, including heavy machinery, excavation areas, and potential hazards related to construction activities. Unauthorized access can result in serious injuries and legal consequences.
The area will be sectioned off and notices will be posted. Residents are not to trespass on the construction site as operations will be ongoing 24/7 until completion. Observe all posted signs, barriers, and safety warnings around the construction site. If you observe any unauthorized individuals or suspicious activity near the construction site, please notify Peggy Ripko at 303-987-0835 immediately.

5. Community Engagement: We encourage your involvement and feedback throughout this process. Residents are welcome to attend District Board Meetings for complete updates on project milestones. Please refer to the District Website for upcoming meetings.

Contact Information:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact the District Manager, Peggy Ripko, at 303-987-0835. Our team is here to assist and provide information as needed.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to enhance our community.


The Board of Directors of Creekside Estates South Metropolitan District